The trip to Japan I’m planning for spring gave me a good excuse to try some Japanese fine dining, you know, to get in the mood.
It turns out that watching Jiro Dreams of Sushi is all well and good, but it made me crave raw fish very badly!
Kinugawa is an institution in Paris, but it’s only recently that it got a visual makeover. The decor alone makes the experience worth it, even if the yellow tail carpaccio will surely leave its mark too.
Alana Barton (@alanasterling)
I just loved Jiro Dreams of Sushi, but I had the same side effect. We ended up going to our favorite local sushi restaurant, Sushi Ran, in Sausalito, California after the movie as well.
The Voyageur
@Alana Haha! I guess that’s a good side effect 🙂